In Honour of Margaret and too many others…

A couple weeks ago I talked about buying yarn for my new shawl. It’s a lovely pattern with a very touching story.  As April starts it seems an excellent time to share the post behind this shawl.

Pattern Margaret’s Hug / Prayer Shawl

Please take a few minutes to read Keep Calm and Crochet On UK ‘s post.  The patterns that she has kindly shared is free. As she suggests a donation to your local Cancer Society would be lovely. Below is a link to the Canadian Cancer Society.

April is daffodil month

To some the daffodil is just a flower. For us, it is a symbol of strength and courage. It says we will not give up. It says we will fight against cancer and we will win.

Buy a daffodil pin and show your support for people living with cancer.

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