Tag Archives: yarn art

Bring the happiness with you… Sunflower Bag

I found this pattern via Pinterest and just had to make it. I decided on a more muted colour pallet for mine.

sunflower bag first

When a friend saw it, she ordered one for her Mother’s birthday 🙂  Due to limited yarn stock I ended up using a brighter shade of yellow of that bag.

sunflower bag3

During the process my daughter mentioned that she liked the brighter yellow and white (vs aran /off white) soooo… I made one for her too.  Somehow I forgot to get finished photos of her bag!

sunflower bag2

You can find the pattern for these bright and cheerful bags at Crochet 365 Knit Two The pattern is straight forward and she’s made some videos if you need some help! { I found that I needed to put extra stitches at the corners when I was sewing the squares together since I didn’t like the gaps that happened when I put items in the bag. }

This is my first successful crochet bag and I think I need to learn how to add a liner. But that will be another crafting adventure!

Happy Crocheting



Off my hook in 2017

It was a busy year of crocheting for me. Yarn sales and coupons allowed me to create with those “expensive” yarns which make my fingers and heart happy.

Some projects are still in progress. I put them aside because they are for me and I wanted to get gifts done. One project has been abandoned because I really do not like how it was turning out. Several pieces of my yarn art were greeted with joy and others were met with silence.  It’s in those moments your heart cries a little then you think “I should have used the scratchy yarn.”69f7e046f65dafdcc92196132ba10fe8

Oh well. I did enjoy making all but one of my projects this year!!  Please… join me as I look back.


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To start 2018 I’m going to pick up the Sidewalk Shawl again. The yarn is so soft and the pattern is beautiful. I think I may just FROG it {frogging your work, a verb that’s all about how you rip it, rip it, ribbit out those stitches!} because I think I’ve lost the hook I was using and it’s been many many many months since I worked on it.

Happy New Year 

I wish you a year of good health, kindness, soft yarn and projects to fill the scope of your imagination.


Wooly Wednesday ~ Just love this orange

This yarn was donated to me. I don’t know what brand it is but like the other yarns from Wooly Wednesday…it’s in my stash.



It was going to be thrown out because the label had been lost. (GASP! Throw out yarn?! shudder) It’s lovely and soft. I’ve made a few scarves and headbands out of it.

Hope your day includes some yarn art!
